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W e i r  H o l m 
A d v e n t u r e s

A Forest School inspired holiday club with qualified and experienced Forest School Leaders

Nurturing children's social and emotional wellbeing whilst having fun in nature 


What to expect

Each day follows a similar structure but allows the children freedom to choose how they would like to spend the day. We adapt activities and pace to children's preferences and allow space to make friends, roam and explore.
We will always start the day with a sit spot. The children choose a space in nature to sit be still, observe and connect with their environments.  Following into a variety of games that focus on your senses, seeking, tracking, imaginary games.​

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We provide creative activities such as clay, printmaking, willow weaving, natural dyes, charcoal drawing, pigments and potion making. 

Alongside green woodworking, whittling, fire making, seasonal foraging, cooking on a fire, seasonal celebrations and much more. 


We encourage tool use and managing risk effectively, bush craft and survival knowledge. Supporting softer skills like cooperation, empathy, emotional intelligence and leadership. 


The children can roam freely all within the safety of our private, secure meadow. 

Towards the end of our session we will gather in a circle to share seasonal food over a fire and share a story or song.




Holiday Clubs and Saturday Clubs

We aim to provide an environment that connects children back to nature. To give children the space and time to just be.


Our clubs are for ages 6- 12 and 12- 16.


Our sessions offer wildlife exploration, foraging, cooking on a fire, whittling projects, fire lighting, crafts, pottery, willow weaving and much more! 




School Groups

A series of 3 to 6 sessions 

Half or Full day 

Working with local schools to give learners a chance to enjoy inspiring nature based sessions.


Through various bushcraft and land based educational activities we aim for each child to better their independence, self awareness, emotional needs, self regulation, social skills, self esteem, confidence and intrinsic motivation.





Party Packages 

Come and use our space to host a nature inspired birthday party. 


We can tailor the party to your guests needs with a Forest school Leader to facilitate the day.

All the resources you will need will be included. 


For up to 15 children

Choose Your Adventure

Need to know

Whatever the weather children will need suitable outdoor clothing and appropriate footwear


  • Waterproof coat, it still rains in the summer in the UK (if the rain is forecast to be heavy, they will need waterproof trousers)

  • Layers of light clothing and something warm on top in case it is chilly

  • Boots or wellies and long trousers that tuck into their socks due to tall grasses, nettles and biting insects

  • Sun hat and a layer of sun cream if it is sunny (please pack sun cream)

  •  Insect repellent 

  • No shorts please, there are stinging insects, and ticks



Your children will need sufficient food and drink to see them through the day. We will provide refreshments and will usually cook a snack on the campfire.
However this is what we reco

  •  Drink for the day, preferably a bottle of water.

  •  A mid- morning snack

  • Lunch

  • A mid- afternoon snack 

Mosquitos, wasps and bees: 
If your child is susceptible to bites or sting
s then consider applying insect repellent just before they join us. Also to pack some in their bag. If your child is allergic to wasp or bee stings make sure we know (on the booking form). 

Ticks are small parasites that lurk in long grass or ferns and attach themselves to bare skin. If our leaders see a child has a tick they will remove it using a tick key, and inform you on pick up. If you notice a tick on your child, don’t panic, but do remove it carefully as soon as you can. DON’T yank it out this is a bad idea. Use a tick key or other device you have.

Horse flies:
They are a large, dark fly with a powerful sting. The bite can cause itchiness, inflammation and swelling. Aside from the initial pain they cause they are not generally harmful to humans. In the case of a bite we will cleanse the bite and apply antiseptic spray or ointment to help keep it clean, and inform you on pick up. We will be sure to watch the area for more serious reactions. If your child is allergic to their sting please make sure we know (on the booking form). 

If your children need medication then please remember to tell us and to bring it with you. It’s up to you to make sure we know any relevant medical conditions, and to brimg appropriate amounts of any medication required. 

In particular please make sure that if your child suffers from asthma that they have an inhaler, and if they suffer from anaphylaxis and carry an epipen that they bring TWO epipens with them. We will refuse to accept children who don’t have sufficient medicine, for their own safety. 

We use a compost loo

Children do not need to be accompanied at our holiday club. Parental consent form will be emailed to you via email.



Our private Forest School is situated in the village of Skenfrith in the Monnow valley.

For directions email:


Meet The Team

Meet The Team
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Forest School Leader


When Tora is not assisting at Weir Holm Meadow. You can find Her working with Willow, walking in the hills or pottering in her garden. Tora grows, processes and weaves her own Willow to create lovely baskets for sale. She is passionate about therapeutic value of crafting in natural surroundings with natural materials and loves to share this with various groups in the South West and  midlands.


 Level 3 Forest School trained.


 "The boys had an AMAZING time yesterday!!! In the car on the way home they were all so full of chat of the session and things they’d done, asking each other what was his favourite activity and not one boy could decide, there was so much they’d loved! Thankyou Lottie so much for making the day so special, fun and fabulous!" -  Jane

"Our son had a wonderful enriching time spent mainly outdoors and connecting with nature, and especially enjoyed whittling"  - Theresa

"I think forest school is fun and when we go to the "Sit Spot" I feel relaxed because my sit spot is bumpy and when I sit on the hay bails mat I like to listen to all the birds and look at the river.  In "Wild Time" I like playing with my friends and building dens and doing flint and steel."- William

"I have lots of fun with my friends and I like to do whittling and go to my "Sit Spot".  I feel really happy when I'm in the meadow because I feel safe."- Alys
  • We are fully insured by Birnbeck insurance.

  • Appropriate first aid equipment is accessible.

  • We have a Health and Safety Policy in line with the Health and Safety Act, 1974.

  • Our recruitment policy ensures that all staff are appropriately qualified, have relevant experience and are enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service checked.

  • Risk assessments are carried out at the setting by trained staff prior to the arrival of children each day. Risks such as loose branches and animal faeces are addressed before the children arrive on site.

  • We are registered with Care Inspectorate Wales 

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